Today, on fashion face-off we have two fashionable girls, Samantha and Malaika Arora who were spotted wearing a similar black sheer dress but on different occasions. These stunning actresses have their own style and charm. However, they both opted for a similar-looking gown and we cannot stop talking about how effortlessly they have managed to pull it off. Carrying a see-through dress is not everyone’s cup of tea but these divas have nailed it.
Be it at the airport or attending promotional events, Samantha Ruth Prabhu makes sure to grab enough attention on her style statement. The style-savvy, Samantha’s one of the bold and eye-grabbing looks was in a black sheer dress by Sunaina Khera. She looked super hot in it! My favourite and her go-to fashion stylist Preetham Jukalker upped the fashion game like never before. Sam completed her look with glossy and bronzed makeup by artist Ravi Tokala and textured waves by hairstylist Madhu Chakrapu. To note, the black embroidered dress is worth Rs 1.15 Lakh.
On the other hand, Bollywood bombshell, Malaika’s ‘too hot to handle’ look in the sheer black tulle dress had taken social media by storm. Styled by
Maneka Harisinghani, Malaika kept her look as sexy as she could and wore a black bralette and matching high-rise shorts beneath her dress. The long velvet dress is by designer Sandra Mansour and it costs Rs 1,70,940 (USD 2,333).
The actress completed her cocktail look with a large buckle belt, statement earrings, sleek hair back and a pair of black heels.
Too much hotness for the day! What do you think? Sam or Malaika, who pulled off a see-through long dress better?
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